Chamberlain university msw program advanced learning agreement


MSW Program Outcomes

  1. Prepare students to be ethical social work practitioners who make sound professional judgments, across various levels of specialized practice, and advance lives of children, families, communities, and groups domestically and abroad.
  2. Prepare students to be caring, self-reflective advocates for those who are oppressed, marginalized, disenfranchised, and without a voice to advocate for themselves.
  3. Engage faculty and students in research that informs practice and policy and expands the knowledge base of the profession.
  4. Create and deliver models for outstanding inter-professional education and collaborative practice to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, groups, and communities. 
  5. Prepare competent, informed students to engage in specialized social work practice with individuals, families, groups, communities, and organizations. 

MSW Practicum Requirements

Field Education is the signature pedagogy of the social work profession– the primary method used to guide students in becoming competent practitioners. At Chamberlain, we provide two types of experience to help students master social work competencies—the Immersion Experience and the Field Practicum. At this point in the MSW journey, students will have successfully completed the Immersion Experience.

The Field Practicum provides a hands-on opportunity to apply the skills learned in coursework in an actual social work setting.  As a Traditional Two-Year student, he/she will complete a total of 1000 hours between two field practicums–Foundation Field Practicum in year 1 and Advanced Practicum in year 2.  As an Advanced Standing student, he/she will complete a total of 500 hours in Advanced Practicum, during their one year in the program.

The Advanced Field practicum is connected to MSW 550 – Advanced Practicum I and MSW 551 –Advanced Practicum II, which provides additional support through the course instructor, the Field Liaison. During the field practicum, the Field Liaison will be the first point of contact to guide students through their learning, alongside the on-site supervisor, the Field Instructor, who holds an MSW and is responsible for the student’s learning.   In addition, some students may also have an on-site Task Supervisor, depending upon the structure of the agency, who will be involved with supervising the student as well. 

Student Learning Agreement 

The Learning Agreement reflects the tasks and activities, per each behavior, that students will complete during the practicum.  Students’ professional goals and interests should be considered and incorporated as best as possible, given the agency’s capacity. Students will be evaluated based on their competency in each behavior, as aligned with the activities outlined below. The evaluation process should be a collaborative and reflective one between the student and Field Instructor.  The Field Instructor has the final decision all evaluation scores.

The Learning Agreement is an assignment in the MSW 550 – Advanced Practicum I and MSW 551 – Advanced Practicum II courses.  Please complete this form in consultation with your Field Instructor and submit via Canvas for review by your Field Liaison, by the due date outlined in the course.  

Social Work Competencies, Behaviors, & Student Activities:

Students, in consultation with their Field Instructors, must develop specific activities for the student to complete, for each behavior of the CSWE Social Work Competencies, and relevant behaviors.   It is required that each behavior have a corresponding task or activity.  A task or activity may apply to more than one behavior/competency. Tasks and activities should be explicitly stated according to the services offered by the agency.  Refer to the examples below for guidance: 

  1. For Competency 5(a): “Student will research relevant local, state, and federal policies that influence the services provided by the agency.”  
  2. For Competency 7(a): “Student will complete bio-psycho-social-spiritual assessment for each new client.”
  3. For Competency 3(b): “Student will review agency policy manual and highlight any policies that may violate client human rights or restrict access.”
  4. For Competencies 1(b) and 8(b): “Student will maintain a caseload of 7-10 clients, providing case management and crisis intervention services.”

Competency 1:  Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior Program Outcomes: 1, 2

Educate colleagues about the legal and ethical implications impacting practice?

Goals and Activities:My goals at Mercy House demonstrate a professional demeanor in behavior; appearance; and oral, written, and electronic communication. Use technology ethically and appropriately to facilitate practice outcomes. Focusing on my Veterans I would give them the necessary resources that will assist them in receiving information on their benefits I would also inform them that the VA is a beneficiary system that has a moral commitment to care for the needs of those that served this country. I would also have sessions with my Veterans and other clients to have the opportunity in setting SMART goals in a written and verbal manner so that they will have a reminder of the goals they have set and what they need to achieve the goal by their chosen time. 

Make ethical decisions by applying standards of the NASW Code of Ethics and as applicable the IFSW/IASSW Statement of Principles?

Goals and Activities: When meeting with my Veterans I will make sure they are always treated with Dignity and Respect. I will make sure that my Veterans Veterans cared for in a manner that is needed for them, which can be different for other clients. I supply the Veterans the resources such as PATH Making It Home which is a Supportive Service for Veteran Families (SSVF). This program assists Veterans that are Homeless or on the verge of becoming homeless. This supplies the Veteran with the feeling that their human rights, and they are receiving social justice and they are having they are receiving their respect. 

Take leadership as needed to demonstrate appropriate ethical and professional conduct to colleagues and others in communities, organizations, teams, etc?

Goals and Activities:I will always advocate for clients, communities, and organizations I would have a session with my Veteran and let them express themselves to me and I will assist them in setting their SMART goals. I would Write down their Specific very detailed goal. Measurable by determining the time frame and how often they will repeat the process. Action-Oriented to see what is needed to achieve the goal . Realistically have them take a look and make the decision if this goal is worth it for them. Then set a specific date and time to achieve their goal. 

Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in PracticeProgram Outcomes:  1, 2, 5

Evaluate the extent to which a culture’s structures and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create or enhance privilege and power?

Goals and Activities:I would investigate if when the Veterans were released from the service where they were not given their benefits information such as a DD214, which is their discharge form that is used to access all of the benefits to the Veteran such as housing, and could assist the Veterans that are at the shelter as housing. I can lead the Veterans to those that are working for my government in my non-profit agency and can assist them in receiving vouchers through HUD-VASH the Government. All of the resources that I provide will guide my Veterans to not feel or be oppressed, marginalized, or alienated like being out on the streets. 

Take leadership in their practice settings to develop and/or change policies and practices that negatively impact clients from non-dominant cultures and minority populations?

Goals and Activities:I will take a leadership role by making sure that I let the Veteran lead and feel comfortable with expressing themselves and I will treat them in a non-judgemental manner. I will make sure that they understand that I recognize the fact that they have sacrificed their lives for this country and I can be their cheerleader that will recognize their mindsets and what assistance they are in need of to ease any mental anguish they may be dealing with. I will also contact resources that the veterans can speak with comfortably if they need to speak with someone that has been in their position. 

Educate colleagues about the impact of personal bias on practice and model cultural humility for those on inter-professional teams serving clients from non-dominant cultures?

Goals and Activities:I would start with that one must start by creating a cultural self-reflection and self-awareness and acknowledging their own cultural norms, behavior, attitudes, and outlooks. This way one can recognize and examine their own biases, prejudices, and stereotypes. Cultural competence and cultural humility are the foundation of understanding the clients and their cultural circumstances. I will consistently express my expression to my colleagues to ‘Never judge a Book by Its Cover explore the book by opening it and seeing what chapter in life the client is actually on. This way one can know what assistance they can provide or what other resources the client may be in need of. 

Critique and apply knowledge of multicultural purism when engaging individuals, families, communities, organizations, and groups?

Goals and Activities:In this one has to again create an understanding of their cultural values and beliefs and this can help one appreciate the importance of multicultural identities of individuals. Deeply explore practices of advancing human rights, and social along with economic justice to modify involvements when they are needed. I know that there are many divers 

Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental JusticeProgram Outcomes: 1, 2, 4

Apply knowledge of the effects of oppression, discrimination, structural social inequality, and historical trauma on clients/constituents and their systems to guide intervention planning?

Goals and Activities:The knowledge and expression of the effect on individuals that have been affected by depression, discrimination, and societal inequalities We must apply the education of knowing that different systems of oppression are individual, institutional, and societal and know that their effects on people are deeply rooted in history and American culture. Realize and have the knowledge that Discrimination affects people’s opportunities, their well-being, and their sense of agency. My goal is to help prevent clients from persistent exposure to discrimination which can lead individuals to embody the prejudice or stigma against them, creating shame, low self-esteem, fear, and stress, which can lead to poor health as well. I will use my knowledge to fight to help demolish these systems of oppression and fight racism. 

Pursue change in agency policies and systems that may violate human rights and restrict access to basic needs for clients and communities.

Goals and Activities:My goal at my agency would be to advocate for my clients and the communities that I serve to pursue the change of policies that violates clients’ human rights and restricts access to the basic needs of clients. This can involve me working with community organizations, lobbying for policy changes, and raising awareness about the issues. I can also work within my agency to identify and address policies and practices that may violate human rights or restrict access to basic needs. Then I can also Collaborate with other social workers and professional advocates that are in similar or the same field as I am and can also help advocate for change as well. 

Focus on prevention of human rights violations through advocacy and education?

Goals and Activities:There are several routes I could take to focus on the prevention of the violation of human rights. The first avenue I could take would be to establish a legislative framework, which would include measures such as human rights education and planning and monitoring tools that can contribute to the prevention, in the development of policies.

You can also support civil society organizations (CSOs) that work towards the prevention of human rights violations through advocacy and education. These organizations often engage in activities such as training, advocacy with authorities, detention monitoring, outreach activities, and prevention of violent extremism and sexual violence. 

Develop strategies to combat human rights violations and seek social, economic and environmental justice for clients and communities?

Goals and Activities:I can come up with strategies to fight against human rights violations and research for social, economic, and environmental justice for clients and communities by obtaining knowledge about social justice issues and taking a deep look at my beliefs and habits. I can also search for local organizations that take positive action in my own community. Then I could utilize the power of social media, attend demonstrations and protests, volunteer, and be able to donate. 

Competency 4: Engage in Practice-Informed Research and Research-Informed PracticeProgram Outcomes: 1, 3

Critically evaluate evidence-based and “best practice” treatment interventions, while incorporating knowledge from other countries and international social work research?

Goals and Activities:The first way I would start is by creating a clinical question then I would look for evidence to make it valid The steps would be to create a treatment plan to find my data, by means of formulating hypotheses and running an experiment, analyze outcomes, and keep track of them, and use your data to guide future treatment.

When I am assessing the evidence, I’ll keep in mind that each type of evidence has a unique purpose for your clinical decision-making. Internal evidence, or the data and observations collected on an individual client, is collected both for the accountability of your session and for tracking a client’s performance. When assessing the internal evidence, you are determining whether an intervention has affected your client. External evidence, found in the scientific research literature, gives you answers to clinical questions such as whether a rating measures what it is planned to measure or if a treatment approach is successful at causing the change in individuals.

Then to Include knowledge from other countries and international social work research may be challenging as the literature in this area can be broadly multi-disciplinary, making it important to collect from many resources. A lot of the literature may be found in, peer-reviewed journals, on organizational or government websites. Additionally, reporting standards for interventions vary widely, resulting in additional challenges for evaluating whether or not an implementation method will be effective in your setting of interest. 

Apply evidence-based and “best practice” treatment interventions, using knowledge from international social work research as well as US-based practice evaluation research?

Goals and Activities:Applying Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) refers to the process where the practitioner combines well-researched interventions with clinical experience and ethics, client preferences, and culture to guide and inform the delivery of treatments and services. In social work, establishing evidence-based practices involves choosing, applying, and assessing practices and interventions meant to prevent or improve social conditions and problems. As well as in the international social work spectrum as well it is the process of researching elements that are ethical and based on clinical experiences. 

Recognize that research may be biased in favor of Western understandings of health and well-being and critique accordingly before intervening with clients based on that research?

Goals and Activities:I must be able to recognize and be aware of any biases that may exist in research and to critically evaluate the evidence before applying it in practice. Biases can occur at both the interpersonal and institutional levels of healthcare and can lead to people receiving poor treatment or inaccurate diagnoses.
One way to recognize and address potential biases in research is to work with people from historically marginalized groups and have education on health disparities. It is also important to consider the cultural surroundings of the research and whether it is applicable to the population you are working with 

Distinguish, appraise, and integrate multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge and practice wisdom in order to improve practice, policy, and service delivery?

Goals and Activities:As social workers, we must know the principles of logic, scientific studies, and
thinking of life one must have discernment. One must use critical thinking with creativity and curiosity. Critical thinking also requires the synthesis and communication of necessary information. We as social also analyze several make-ups of assessment, prevention, intervention, and evaluation as well. Also, we must be able to effectively communicate vocally and by writing with individuals, families, groups, communities, and our colleagues. 

Competency 5: Engage in Policy PracticeProgram Outcomes: 1, 2, 5

Develop new policy approaches to social issues or problems, based upon non-Western and/or global policy perspectives?

Goals and Activities:One approach would be to is to pay new attention to non-Western societies’ histories, cultures, and philosophies and then hypothesize international relations. Another route would be to participate in and donate to policy designs and fulfillment with amended or altered views of policies that are unfair, oppressive, and discriminatory to people. This can include evaluating the existing policies and creating new policies or changing/improving existing policies with adherence to values and principles. 

Apply policy analysis and advocacy skills to inform policymakers and influence policies that impact clients/constituents and services?

Goals and Activities:Some commonly used advocacy techniques include crucial arrangements like keeping an eye on policies and dialogues of those policies, organized groups to fight for policy change, and trailblazers for projects that can have an influence on policymaking. 

Educate colleagues and others about alternative approaches to solving social problems using collectivist, communal and universal policy orientations from around the world?

Goals and Activities:I would be to do research and collect information on accomplished examples of the policies and their success. Then I’d share this information with my colleagues through presentations, discussions, or workshops. Then I would suggest that experts or organizers be invited on field trips to see these policies in action could also be effective ways to educate others. 

Educate policy makers about the global approaches for social problems and advocate for policies that focus on prevention as well as intervention?

Goals and Activities:The route I would take is that would gather and display data and research examples that were and are successful policies from around the world. Also, I would organize meetings or conferences with policymakers to present these necessary approaches and inform them of those that have potential benefits. Then collaborating with organizations and groups that advocate for clients and have the same goals which will show the increase in my impact. 

Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and CommunitiesProgram Outcomes: 1, 2, 5

Apply empirically supported, culturally sensitive communication and relationship building strategies at individual, family, group, organization and community levels?

Goals and Activities:I would start by researching and understanding the cultural norms and values of the people you are working with. This will help me tailor your communication and relationship-building strategies to be respectful and effective. Additionally, using active listening, empathy, and open-mindedness can help build trust and foster positive relationships. It’s also important to regularly examine and adjust your strategies based on feedback and changing circumstances. 

Demonstrate leadership with colleagues to improve the preparation of all social workers in skills of engagement, including cultural humility, respect for the different life experiences and expectation of clients, and culturally sensitive practices required for effectively engaging with clients/constituents?

Goals and Activities:I would lead by example and model these behaviors in my own interactions with clients and colleagues. You could also organize training sessions or workshops to share knowledge and best practices on these topics. In addition, providing regular feedback and support to my colleagues can help them develop and improve their skills in these areas. 

Establish an engagement process that encourages clients/constituents to be active participants in the establishment of intervention goals and expected outcomes?

Goals and Activities:I would start by establishing a welcoming and overall environment where clients feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. You could also involve clients in the decision-making process by asking for their input and feedback on intervention goals and expected outcomes. Regularly reviewing and adjusting these goals and outcomes based on client feedback can help ensure that they remain relevant and effective. 

Apply global perspectives and global social work theories and practices to engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities?

Goals and Activities:Start by researching and understanding the cultural norms and values of the people that you are working with. This will help you tailor your engagement strategies to be respectful and effective. As well by using an approach that focuses on special strengths and resources of individuals and communities can help empower them to take an active role in addressing their own challenges. It’s also important to be able to adjust your strategies based on feedback and changing circumstances. 

Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and CommunitiesProgram Outcomes: 1, 2, 5

Apply cultural humility and a strengths-based perspective when assessing clients?

Goals and Activities:This would start with cultural competence respecting the cultural differences and the unique experiences of each client. This helps you to have the open-mindedness and willingness to learn from clients about their culture and experiences. Using a strengths-based approach involves focusing on the unique strengths and resources of each client, rather than solely on their challenges or problems. This can help empower clients to take an active role in addressing their own challenges and achieving their goals. 

Provide an accurate assessment of clients using global perspectives and theories as needed and multiple sources of information to fully understand the strengths, needs, resources and plans of clients and plan interventions?

Goals and Activities:Start by gathering information from multiple sources, including the client themselves, their family and community members, and relevant records or documents. Using global perspectives and theories can help you understand the cultural context and special experiences of each client. 

Take leadership when appropriate on inter-professional teams and collaborate with colleagues to ensure thorough and accurate assessments are done?

Goals and Activities:Taking leadership on inter-professional teams I would begin by starting with discussions, analysis, and assessments, that lead to a shared vision. Collaborative leadership creates an environment for easy collaboration and intentionally considers factors for good teamwork.

In interprofessional health teams, coordinating leadership and the need for appropriate clinical expertise involves a tension between the traditional role of the team leader as an authority figure and collaborative leadership which enables individual team members to come forth as leaders in their area of expertise and to relinquish this leadership as needed?

Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and CommunitiesProgram Outcomes: 1, 2, 4, 5

Plan interventions based upon culturally appropriate techniques supported by evidence of effectiveness?

Goals and Activities:The first approach would be to improve cultural competency in healthcare. When reviewing there was evidence of slight improvements in provider outcomes and healthcare access and but weaker evidence for improvements in patient/client outcomes.

Another approach is to make effective cultural adaptations to evidence-based interventions. This process includes attention to many dimensions of culture and involves active co-leadership with targeted communities, as well as feedback from the final beneficiaries of modified interventions. Cultural adaptation refers “to the systematic modification of an evidence-based treatment (EBT) or intervention protocol to consider language, culture, and context in such a way that is compatible with the clients’ cultural patterns, meaning, and values”. 

Infuse non-Western practices into interventions as appropriate to the client’s needs and in keeping with a strengths-based approach?

Goals and Activities:By, Infusing non-Wesncorporate concepts such as occupational consciousness, cultural humility, and ubuntu, which is a traditional African idea that embodies virtues to maintain harmony and the spirit of sharing. These concepts can help practitioners to better understand and address the occupational needs of individuals and communities around the world.

It is also important to consider the evidence base for any intervention and to adapt practices to fit the local context while staying close to the foundational evidence This may involve understanding the data behind an intervention and how it applies to the local context, as well as considering any legal or professional guidelines that may restrict options.

Eventually, it is important to work closely with clients and communities to understand their needs and preferences, and to incorporate non-Western practices in a way that is appropriate and effective for each individual. 

Understand the barriers clients face in accessing culturally appropriate services and intervene to design and develop effective and accessible services?

Goals and Activities:Understanding some of the barriers which are language barriers, limited resources, and cultural barriers. To be able to intervene and design effective and accessible services, some facilitators include cultural awareness amongst practitioners, cultural awareness in services, and explanations of health care systems 

Apply global principles of wellness and healing to intervention strategies and services accessed for clients or provided to clients by the social worker?

Goals and Activities:To apply global principles of wellness and healing is broken down by the World Health Organization (WHO) as health promotion which is the enabling people to increase control over, and improve their health. These global principles can be applied to intervention strategies and services accessed for clients or provided to clients by the social worker. 

Serve as a team leader on inter-professional teams to ensure services are coordinated and delivered according to clients’ strengths, needs, resources, and challenges?

Goals and Activities:The responsibilities of a team leader include decision-making, being a coach, mentoring and the development of the team’s skills, and controlling conflicts. It is also important to emphasize open and clear communication among the team members. 

Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and CommunitiesProgram Outcomes: 1, 2, 4, 5

Demonstrate the effectiveness of indigenous/ integrated healing methods into social work interventions for psychosocial problems at group, community, and organizational levels?

Goals and Activities:You start by demonstrating the effectiveness of indigenous/integrated healing methods in social work interventions for psychosocial problems at group, community, and organizational levels by integrating these methods with Western models of social work intervention. Research has shown that the use of only mainstream or Western therapeutic interventions has often proved ineffective for Indigenous clients. Integrating indigenous healing methods into Western models of social work intervention can help to address systemic problems that have led to disparities in mental health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. It can also help to build trust between social workers and Indigenous clients. 

Demonstrate the effectiveness of indigenous/ integrated healing methods into social work interventions for psychosocial problems at the individual and family levels?

Goals and Activities:Research has shown that strengthening cultural identity, community integration, and political empowerment can enhance and improve mental health and substance use disorders in Indigenous populations. Integrating indigenous healing methods into Western models of social work intervention can help to address systemic problems that have led to disparities in mental health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. It can also help to build trust between social workers and Indigenous clients 

Evaluate assessment techniques, prevention and intervention methods in own work with clients and agency work with clients and apply results to improve practice at the individual, family, group, organization and community level?

Goals and Activities:One can use many methods. For instance, collect data on the effectiveness of the techniques and methods you are using. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or other forms of feedback from clients and colleagues. You can also use evidence-based practices and research to inform your evaluations. Once you have collected data on the effectiveness of your techniques and methods, you can analyze the results to identify areas for improvement and make changes to your practice accordingly. 

Based on Veterans in  homeless Shelter!!

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